Saturday, August 21, 2010


Our Hero is an ordinary person unaware of the events transpiring around him

Chapter 1

Sunlight illuminated a haze of white smoke lingering in the air, as a group of three strangers to the little town of Goblu entered the town’s oldest tavern. Pausing in the doorway, they looked around for a moment before spotting an empty table on the far side of the room. Walking through the old bar in this unfamiliar town, they passed tables of typical patrons along the way. There was the drunk with his cheap beer that was more suitable for removing paint than drinking; the card players and the cheat with the high card tucked inconspicuously up his sleeve; and the broken hearted man stroking the image of his beloved with his thumb while drowning out his sorrows with what appeared to be his fifth round of whiskey. Around the table the strangers had claimed, the floor was beginning to crack and splinter. Deep grooves were permanently etched into the wood from years of chairs being drug across it.

The gazes of the friends locked with one another as they sat. Sara leaned in, her eyes helplessly shifting to study Ti’s features. She was never sure what it was about Ti that made her feel the way she did about him. Maybe it was the way his short brown hair spiked then fell, or possibly the strength of his jaw. Whatever it was, her heart could not help but skip at the sight of him.

“What are you staring at?” Ti asked, curiously.

“Huh?” Sara responded in a dreamy fog.

“What are you staring at?” Ti asked again, this time more forcefully.

“Oh, nothing.” she replied sharply, quickly coming back to reality.

David gave them both an odd look, shaking his head.

“Blind fools” he thought to himself. “Why don’t they just admit it?”

Being friends with Ti and Sara definitely made things a bit awkward at times. Both of them confided their feelings for one another to him, completely unaware that the other had done the very same thing.

Approaching the table with a sensual strut, the taverns head wench twisted her brown wavy hair with her finger while she leaned on the table exposing her cleave to everyone.

“What will it be?” She said smacking her lips together as she talked in a weak attempt to hide her decaying teeth.

“Red Sun.” Said Ti

“Nothing.” Said Sara with an air of utter distaste.

A few seconds passed before David realized that Ti and Sara were staring at him. David’s life was all work and study he never considered love or any kind of intimate action for that matter. He couldn’t help but to be mesmerized and aroused by the sight of two perfect breasts merely inches from his face. This was all swirling through his head until he snapped back into reality.

“Water.” David finally stuttered, trying to hide his shame.

“I’ll be right back with your drinks.” The wench said smiling at David unaware that the sight of her dark yellow teeth not only killed any excitement he was just experiencing, it sent a shiver down his spine.


Bursting from the clouds, Patrol 6 just began its last flight of the evening when the sensor alarm started flashing on the control panel. As usual, it was covered by the boots of the pilot who was fast asleep with his feet up on the console. Putting the ship in to auto navigation upon flight, three hours passed as he dreamed, blissfully unaware of the events transpiring in the oceans below him. Sleeping on shift was a common practice among patrol pilots, though none of them would admit it. In fact, when questioned about why they didn’t respond to incoming messages or completed an extra patrol, many pilots would simply laugh it off by saying “The flying leaper must be on the fritz.” In an attempt to lighten up the mood by pointing out ships rounded front section along with its thin back fins that hold the engines make the ship look like a frog in a constant leap.

Although things were business as usual for the pilot, he would soon discover that this was not the case for everyone. The metal frame of the cockpit suddenly rattled as it passed though some rough turbulence. Opening his eyes the pilot wiped the drool from his mouth as he lowered his feet to sit up in his chair. Still groggy, he quickly noticed the flashing light on the control panel.

“Shit!” He said with an awareness of his mistake.

Pressing a button on the consol to his left, a holographic screen appeared in front of each of the three cockpit windows. It took the pilot a moment to realize he was looking at 12 Setian in the oceans directly below the ship.

“Son of a …” he said quickly turning in his chair to activate the com system.

“This is Patrol 6, Avalon please come in.”

“We read you Patrol 6.” Said a female voice over the com system.

I am detecting 12 Setian ships heading for towards Luchin territory.”

The moment of silence that filled the air seemed to last all eternity.

“Patrol 6 we need you to confirm that the ships are indeed armed and ready for battle.”

“Affirmative” replied the pilot, trying to sound professional and prove his gusto merely by the sound of his voice.

Pushing on all the controls, the small craft began to dive from the clouds. At first, the pilot took some comfort in the fact that his ship couldn’t be seen by the human eye. That reasurance turned to a lump in throat as he got close enough to see that there was black smoke rising in to the sky. Reaching for the intercom, the pilot paused, entranced by the cold steel body of the ships. They were long, colorless against the water they couldn’t seemed more out of place, it was as if death was moving across the ocean and in a sudden rush, everything became clear to the pilot. These ships reflected the souls of their creator. These ships weren’t meant to cause fear. These ships only purpose is to let people know an end is coming.

“Avalon it’s confirmed they are warships.” He said almost unable to speak at the sight of the ships moving across the water.

“We copy that Patrol 6. Stay your course, we’re sending other ships to assist.”


Sara looked at Ti as he sat his third shot of Red Sun on the table. Sighing, she found herself having trouble hiding her impatience.

“Ti it’s been over an hour.” Sarah grumbled vehemently.

“Give it a few more minutes.” Ti said in a playful manner.

“She’s not coming. Can we go?” Sara said with frustration in her voice.

“I don’t know, isn’t that her at the other side of the bar?” David said with a smirk on his face.

“Where?” Sara said looking at the bar.

“On the other side, sitting by that big guy in the grease stained shirt.” Ti tossed out, obviously becoming distracted.

Sara leaned over to see Mala sitting at the bar tossing back drinks. Looking back at David she raised an eye brow at him.

“How long has she been sitting there?” asked Sara

“About twenty minutes.” Ti quickly answered.

“You knew? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I wanted to finish my drink.” Ti said as he was standing up to walk towards the bar.

Leaning on the bar, Ti watched as Mala finished her drink. Following behind Ti, Sara and David stopped when they noticed him shooing them away. Out of the corner of her eye Mala noticed Ti staring at her. Amazing even to her, she found self resisting the urge to smack him.

“What are you staring at?” she asked as if she pretended not to know.

“Nothing. Bartenders get her another drink over here?” Ti said laying some money on the table.

“No thanks.” Mala firmly stated.

“It's just a drink” Ti said, teasingly.

“And then what? We talk, maybe make a momentary connection and at the end of the night, you casually suggest we go back to your place where you hope I'm so drunk that I won't remember that after a full night of drinks and a fifteen minute trip home it was only for five minutes of grunting and forty-five minutes of crying yourself to sleep?” Mala mischievously stated.

“Ouch.” Sara Said under her breath just loud enough for Ti to hear.

“Don’t get me wrong - it's not that I wouldn't mind it. God knows it's been a while, well more then a while. My god I don't remember the last time. If it was anyone else I would, it's just your so unattractive.” Mala said taking a drink from the bartenders hand before he could place it on the bar. Looking back Ti saw Sara and David giggling.

“I assure you I'm not interested in you.” Ti stated, the amusement gone from his voice.

“And why is that?”

“Let me handle this or will be here all night. Sara said approaching Ti.”

“Be my guest.” Said Ti with disgust.

Laying a stack of bills on the table Mala looks Sara over and smiles.

“Down to business I like that.”

Quickly glancing over Sara's Mala gave Ti an inquisitive look.

“Is she with you?” asked Mala

“Not that it's any of your business, but yes.” Ti Said.

“ Surprised. You can do better.” Mala said looking back at Sara.

Seeing that things weren’t progressing, David leaned in between Sara and Mala laying another stack of bills on the Table. As Mala’s eyes widen Sara uses the moment, before Mala could change her mind.

“A vendor in Cardiff told us you recently purchased a number of artifacts from him, one of them being a small white orb.”

“Last time I buy from him.” Scoffed Mala

“We can pay whatever you’re asking for it.” Sara Said.

“Wish I would have met you an hour ago. Unfortunately, I don’t have it anymore.”

“The vendor that sold it to you didn’t know what it was.” Sara said grabbing Mala’s arm as she turned away.

“We’re done here. Remove your hand now!” Mala said while taking a drink.

“Sara let me handle this.” David said removing Sara’s hand from Mala’s arm.

“Fine” said Sara with relinquish.

“Save your breath, I said we’re done.” Mala said with a weary voice.

“Look that Orb may appear harmless, but it could hurt a lot of people. You don’t look like the uncaring type. All we really need to know is who you sold it to.”

“Sorry Buyer, seller confidentiality.” Mala retorted.

“Guess we are wasting our time here lets go.” Said Ti as he gathered his comrades to leave the old saloon.

Heading towards the door Ti, Sara and David had given up on getting help from the one person that actually could help them. Watching them walk away, a dozen thoughts crossed though Mala’s head. “What if they were telling the truth?” “What if their bluffing?” “Can I really take the risk?”

“Damn it.” She thought finally, slamming her drink on the bar causing it to slosh and leave tiny puddles all over the bar.

“Wait, how many people are we talking about?” Mala called out as Ti, Sara and David were reaching the door.

“Too Many.” David replied, turning around.

Hoping she was doing the right thing, she sighed. It was as if every rule she ever lived by was being challenged. If she made the choice to tell them her reputation could be irreparably damaged. If she didn’t, she could be bringing down an entire society.

“I sold it to this very unpleasant little Setian captain named Vix.”

“Do you have any idea where we can find him?” Ti asked

“The Setian owns a manor out side town it’s the most likely place to find him. I would try to find Canal or Nedgi.”

“Who?” David asked

“Nedgi and Canel are Vix’s eyes and ears here in Goblu. If anyone will know how to get in to the manor it will be those two.”

“Any chance you know where to find them?” Ti asked.

“You might try the Nine Dragons Tea house. I see them there a lot.” Mala replied with hesitation.

“You’re doing the right thing.” Sara said placing her hand on Mala’s arm to comfort her.

“Remove your hand.” Mala said as she gritted her teeth and angrily shoved Sara’s hand off of her as she walked out of the tavern.


Rose Jones had been at the same mundane job for the last nineteen years. She served as sectary to three senators. So when Senator Basca was elected to lead the senate, it seemed routine to her. On the first day of Senator Bacsa’s term he walked in wearing a brown pin stripe suit and was as nervous as can be. He was so green that he stuttered when anyone important tried to talk to him. A week went by then on the eighth day he walked in hour early. As he did, he took a quick glace at Rose and said “You’re my new Vice Senator.” It was the most surprising moment of her life. Of course she did not refuse. Together they had made great changes to Avalon. Now with a week left in Bacsa’s term, the true test of their leadership seemed to be emerging. With her dark red hair tucked back in a bun, she pushed her glasses up on her nose. Over the years she learned to read Basca’s face, but the expression on his face when she told him the Setian where making their move on Luchinda was one she had never seen before. It was as if the life had left his face and as his skin went pale, a overwhelming feeling of shock and disbelief seemed to hit him at all at once.

“Start evacuation procedures.” Basca said taking a seat at his desk.

“We have, but we’re spread pretty thin on evacuation teams. At this rate I don’t see how we can possibly finish before the Setian attack.” Rose replied.

“Will you excuse me for a minute?” Senator Basca said taking a deep breath.

“Sir?” said Rose with concern.

“Just for a moment.” The Senator whimpered.

“Yes Sir.”

Watching Rose leave the room, Basca stood up staring out the window to look out at the city. Of all the things he was going to miss about his job, the view from citadel would be among the very highest on his mental list. Every evening he watched as the sun fell on the city. Some nights he would try to count the lights came on one by one always losing count somewhere in the middle. He couldn’t help but feel ashamed and saddened at the thought of his beloved city coming to an end. With that thought hovering in his mind, a small tear rolled down his wrinkled cheek.

“It was unavoidable.” A voice seemed to say from no where.

“You were listening?” replied the Senator with a start.

With light flicker and a purple glow, Ava appeared in front of the Senators desk. No one could say for sure how long Ava had been Avalon’s AI. Some thought she was as old as the city itself while some say she’s even older. Whichever the case, one could be certain that Avalon would die without her. Besides doing the day to day to keep the city functional, Ava was a friend and ear to anyone in the city that needed her.

“I am always listening.” Replied Ava dryly.

“I’ll have to remember that.” The senator stated as he looked off in a distracted manner.

“This really worries you.” Ava replied after a short pause.

“We have over 300 guardians that are about to be thrown into war and we can’t warn them. Honestly, I never thought this day would happen.”

“In the last 48 years the Setian has systematically taken over every part of this world, while leaving the Luchin’s completely untouched. The one people that would offer the littlest resistance for what ever reason have been completely ignored - until now.”

“Funny huh?” the senator joked.

“Interesting and improbable.” Ava said with a curious tone.

“You’ve done the math already how many can we evacuate?” said the senator inquisitively.

“62” Ava stated firmly.

“That’s less than half!” the Senator exclaimed.

“Senator if I may, I believe Mrs. Jones came to you a while back with a plan to field test the new graduates.”

“If something goes wrong, the backache would be horrendous.”

“If you do nothing lives will be lost, that seems to be the bigger atrocity.”

“It’s not an easy decision.”

“Using the graduates would ensure a full evacuation within the time allotted.”

“Perhaps you’re right, send the order.”

“Right away.”

“And, with it send my resignation; this will be my final order.”

Ava nodded as she disappeared from the room. Basca took a few more seconds to look out the window before packing his things. Perhaps he would take his time and count the lights one more time.


Dwin Pal didn’t take his eyes off of the holographic screens when Lieutenant Ross walked in the room and he didn’t have to. The smell of her perfume was enough as it floated on the air and intoxicated his every thought with memories long past. It was the smell of sweet honeysuckle - the perfect mixture of sensuality and fresh flowers. The scent alone sent his mind racing with the most impure thoughts. Reaching over his shoulder, she handed him a cup of coffee, her blonde hair grazing his neck as she leaned in.

“How are they doing?” She asked sitting in the chair next to Dwin.

“So far so good, looks like they are heading for Nine Blades.” Stated Dwin in such an air so as to not seem distracted.

“You’re kidding? This should be interesting.” Said the Lieutenant playfully.

“To say the least” Dwin replied.

Looking at the screen, Lieutenant Ross watched as Ti, Sara and David unknowingly walked into danger. Tucked behind some crates across the street Ti watched as Sara and David took their position in the ally across the road. If the men they were looking for something in the tea house they would recieve a huge surprise when they came out.

Tears in the faded green sign above the door flapped in the wind. The symbol of the nine swords was almost unrecognizable although, despite its age the words adorned with gold were still as evident as the day the sign was hung.

As they waited, Ti’s mind drifted into dreams of future battles that would bring him glory and honor. He longed to be the person that rushed in and saved the day, to be the hero of his story. Ti was forced back in to reality when a man came crashing though the nine blades window. Slamming on to the cobble stone the man rolled as he hit the ground, his face covered in deep gashes from the window tearing at his flesh as he went though the glass. His arms shook as he picked him self up from the cobble stone. His brown shirt was almost completely red with blood. Watching the growing puddle of blood on the cobble stone, Ti was horrified and amazed at the rate the blood poured from the man’s wounds.

Ti watched as a monstrous sized Canel stepped out of the tea house, immediately placing his foot on the bleeding mans neck forcing him to the ground. Huge drops of spit flew in all directions as Canel laughed at the man suffocating under the weight of his massive foot. His clothing was stained, unwashed and easily three sizes to small for him. His shirt stopped just below his chest exposing his stomach that hung over his waist, residing in and out like the ocean as he laughed. Despite his rotund shape and obvious mass, he moved like an athlete for as heavy as he presumably was.

“Nedgi I got him.” He said laughing as he crushed the man to death under the weight of his massive foot.

Hearing him say Nedgi, Sara and David sprung into action before Ti could stop them. Darting out of the alley where they had been hiding, David and Sara unknowingly became cornered when Nedgi stepped out of the massage parlor where he was engaging in questionable acts with an unwilling female participant.

“Let him go!” Sara shouted pulling her weapon pointing it at Canel.

Sara was so focused on Canel she didn’t noticed Nedgi coming up behind her and David. As Nedgi’s shadow expanded over David, he turned around to only see a glimpse of his attacker before being knocked uncurious by Nedgi’s enormous fist.

“Holy shit.” Sara said, turning quickly at the sound of David hitting the ground only to have her heart sink into her stomach with fear at the sight of Nedgi.

Nedgi was twice the size of his younger brother and looked three times as mean. He was bald on the sides of his monstrous head with patches of greenish blonde on top. His waist vest was missing a pocket with ripped seems under the arms where he had tried to make it fit. One eye was scared shut from what looked like a knife wound. Sara envied who ever get the best of this behemoth of a man. Seeing David laying in the dirt, she knew she was in trouble. Backing up slightly, Canel reached out and grabbed her arms.

Not believing what his friends had gotten themselves into, Ti looked around quickly putting a plan into action when he saw Nedgi exit the massage parlor. Running through the back ally as fast as his feet would let him, Ti splashed though puddles and burst through piles of leaves. The old two story brick buildings cast a dark shadow on the alley.

Reaching out, Ti didn’t stop as he grabbed a bundle of rope off of a large group of stacked crates against the wall of one the brick buildings. Hearing the crates crashing behind him, he tossed the rope over his shoulder and hoped that no one heard it besides him.

Racing around a corner, Ti ducked under a fence and in to a stable where a horse drawn carriage stood waiting for its owners return. Tying the rope around the horse’s harness, Ti quickly moved back into the ally and up a ladder to the top of the building. His feet struck the roof tops with an intensity that echoed though the beams and into the homes just below him. Jumping from one roof to another with the rope held tightly in his fist, Ti now saw Sara cornered by Nedgi and Canel, but his view of David was blocked from his field of vision. Hoping he wasn’t too late, Ti leaped on to another roof, his foot cracking the tiling as he landed.

Without hesitation, Ti pulled the rope off his shoulder securing the remainder of it around the rust eaten frame of an old water tower. Once on the roof of every building this last tower was a remnant of a bygone age. Leaning a little more every day, the tower was starting to buckle from becoming so weak and with the heavy rain season approaching, it wouldn’t be long before it would collapse on its own.

The foot steps behind Ti were noiseless. As he pulled the rope tight, he was unaware of the person creeping up behind him. Without warning, Ti felt an arm wrap forcibly around his throat. Quickly fading in to unconsciousness, he fought as he was drug away from the tower.

With patches of black appearing in front of his eyes, Ti knew he only had a matter of seconds to react. Reaching into his coat pocket he removed a long silver handled pistol with an engraved carving of a Ravens feather that wrapped gracefully around the barrel. Before the unknown assailant could take the weapon from him, Ti fired it into the air, spooking the horses down the road in to a full gallop. In less then an instant the rope pulled tight tearing the frame from under the tower. The next moments passed in slow motion to Ti. The top of the tower ruptured spilling hundreds of gallons of dark, stagnant water as it rushed in on the streets below. Escaping from his attacker’s grasp, Ti rolled out of the way, watching as the tower crushed the unknown man. Striking the roof of the building, bricks tore from their concrete seams slamming to the streets below.

The impact sent bolts flying in all directions. Water began to gush from the joints of the tower, slowly at first, then faster until the tower sides spilt sending its remaining volume in over the side of the building where Canel and Nedgi were standing.

The intense flow of water rushed though the street, knocking Canel off his feet. As he fell, his grip on Sara’s arms loosened, sending her into the rush of water. Sara was helpless as she was carried with the rush of thinning water. Hitting the door frame of the Three Stars Inn, Sara braced herself until the wave had subsided. Drenched from head to toe, Sara smelled of old water and mold. Next to Sara lay the body of the man who Canel sent though the window earlier, his blood stained face now washed clean. Studying his features, Sara found his strong jaw and light green eyes beautiful, and wondered to herself what his story was. Sighing, Sara reached over to close his eyes. After taking a moment to compose herself, Sara began looking around until she saw David across the street. He was now conscious and spiting out a mouth full of water.

“What the hell!” David yelled across the street at Sara while ringing out his clothes.

Looking up at the tower which was now resting on its side, Sara squinted trying to make out a human silhouette standing at the edge of the roof looking down at them. Peering to her left she could see David picking up Nedgi’s gun that had come lose and floated away when he fell. Hoping to her feet, Sara quickly ran to catch up with David.

“What are you doing?” Sara said in a playful tone.

“Getting what we came for.” Replied David, who was less than amused.

Nedgi, who was sitting in a newly formed mud puddle, started hunting for his gun when he saw David coming. Approaching Nedgi, David took no chances and raised the gun, pointing it directly between Nedgi’s eyes.

“Looking for this?” David asked with an angry smirk

Nedgi, now realizing he was staring down the barrel of his own gun, looked at David as if he had nothing to live for. Sara moved towards Nedgi, ripping the keys from his belt.

“Are these the keys to the manor?” asked Sara

“What if they are?” Nedgi retorted.

“That a yes. From what we hear you’re kind of like Vix’s right hand. So you must know why he’s collecting relics.” Sara said wrapping the keys in a cloth before tucking them into her right pocket.

“I don’t know anything and even if I did why would I tell you?” scoffed Nedgi.

“Where is that brother of yours?” David asked looking around.

“That coward is always running off.” Nedgi replied in a frustrated tone.

“Too bad for you. Now look, I have been knocked out, damn near drowned, and I am not sure but I think I swallowed something large and living, so tell us why Vix is collecting relics.” David said cocking the hammer of the gun as Ti came running towards them from the alleyway.

“Where have you been?” Sara asked.

“Sorry I got caught up.” Ti replied with an ornery smile.

Wait, why are you wet?” David asked giving Ti an odd look.

“Oh my god! You didn’t!” Sara said looking at the tower and then at Ti.

“We’ll talk about it later.” Ti said as he looked off into the distance.

“Damn right we will.” Sara said.

“So what’s going on here?” Ti said in attempt to quickly change the subject

“Nedgi was about to tell us why Vix is collecting relics.” David replied.

“I said I didn’t know, I just do what he asks of me.” Nedgi pleaded.

Ti took the gun from David, walked straight up to Nedgi staring directly in to his bloodshot eyes.

“I believe you. Here’s what you’re going to do find your brother and leave this town. If you ever return I’m sure Vix will see you hang for betraying him. Now get up and go.” Ti said as he gave Nedgi a firm shove.

As Nedgi ran out of sight people started to gather around Ti, Sara and David. They appeared to come from every building and every home.

“I think we’re in trouble.” Sara said taking a battle stance.

The moment of tension was broke when the whole crowed began cheering in excitement. At first, they weren’t sure what to make of the townspeople who they thought should be angry about all the damage, who despite that fact seemed overjoyed. A small, feeble old man pushed his way through the crowd, his twisted wooden cane splashing with every step he took. Staring up at Ti, he looked as if to be studying him.

“The hero’s of Cinatin!” He yelled waving his arms as he turned back to the crowed.

“I don’t understand.” Sara said.

“We’ve been trying to get rid of them for over a year, we owe you a great debt.” The old man said shaking each of their hands. Hearing whistles in the distance the celebration was immediately interrupted.

“Guards are coming get out of here quickly we’ll slow them down!” a townsman exclaimed.


Son Harkness stood at the front of the Setian flag ship, staring out at the horizon waiting for the sight of land. Being asked to lead the primary wave of attacks as his first command sent a shockwave though the Empire. While some cheered and patted him on the back, others whispered and spoke in hush tones. Some thought his jump in ranks was because of his father’s status in government. That rumor was quickly put to rest at Lady Carline’s coronation, when he happen to over hear Reginald Boxweather telling it to some of the gathering’s more attractive ladies. Son couldn’t help but grab the smug son of a bitch and toss him against the Marble wall. He began to replay that night over in his mind.

“If you have something to say, then say it.” Son said pulling his knife and placing it to his throat.

“You don’t have the guts, so what makes you think you can lead us in to battle.” The Reginald replied with an arrogant grin on his face that made Son want to cut him all the more.

Noticing the ballroom was then hushed, Son immediately remembered where he was. Placing the jagged edges of the blade tighter against his throat, Son hoped that it would nick a major artery or something of the like.

“Do it.” Reginald said, struggling to speak

Letting go of Reginald, Son quickly put his knife way and swaggered out the front door. Whether out of fear or realization the rumors seemed to stop, at least as far as he could tell. But rumors or not, almost everyone seemed to think he was too young, even himself at times.

A fleet of ships floating on either side of him, all depending on his leadership was enough to make him want to jump overbroad. Coming up from below deck was General Anthers, his large belly jiggling under his armor as he walked up the stairs. While he wasn’t in charge, he seemed to need constant reminding of it. The man was beyond useless. He never did anything except eat and drink, having to be rolled to bed every night so he wouldn’t choke to death by his own vomit. If it wasn’t for the fact that his current endeavor was more than likely his last mission, Son would have looked for a way to leave him behind. Walking up to Son, Anthers placed his hand on tightly on his shoulder.

“Won’t be long now.” He said squeezing at Son’s shoulder.

“I was thinking it will be almost nightfall when we land. We might want to stop and rest until morning.” Son replied.

“That would be a mistake.” Anthers retorted.

“Why?” Son shot back at him.

“Have you seen your men? You’ll be lucky to keep them from jumping over and running to shore! They are ready for battle and you’ll never have them more ready to fight than they are right now and that will make them all the more successful.”

“Perhaps your right.” Replied Son with a sigh.

“Try to sound more excited, I mean look around you! You are leading these ships into history. The last free country in the world is about to fall. Doesn’t that get your blood running?” Anthers said with a nostalgic feeling to his voice.

“It’s nothing to get worked up over is it? We do as we are commanded by the will of the Gods as the church dictates. Nothing more.” Son replied.

“Well if you ask me the Luchin’s should have been first to slaughter.” Proclaimed Anthers.

“Well no one asked you and you’d do well to remember that.” Son said turning to face him.

Staring at him for a second, the old general began chuckling, slapping Son on the shoulder as he tried to regain himself.

“Oh you’re a riot.” Anthers laughed.

“I wasn’t joking.” Son said displeased.

Over Anthers shoulder, Son noticed an officer nervously approaching him. Son could tell from the way he carried himself that he was young and inexperienced; the type that is scared to anger a commanding officer, so he does his job quietly, hoping to get noticed while never saying anything beyond what he irrevocably has to. Son thought he was probably more concerned about the girl he left behind than the battle to come.

“Excuse me.” Son said patting Anthers on the shoulder as he walked towards the nervous officer.

As Son approached He saw the officer clear his throat so as to not to sound weak or have his voice crack when he spoke. Watching this amused Son greatly, but for the sake of the officer’s pride he pretended not to notice.

“You have a message sir.” The Officer said, his voice cracking despite his attempt at clearing his throat.”

“Well what does it say?” replied Son.

“I didn’t read it sir?” the officer replied in a slow manner, unsure of himself.

“What’s your name son?” Son asked.

“Wilkins, sir. Phar Wilkins.” The officer replied.

“From now on, I want you to know what these say when you bring them to me. Save me the time of reading it, you understand?” Son told him in a very stern voice.

“Yes sir.” Phar replied.

“So what does it say?” Asked Son, beginning to get impatient.

“I haven’t…” Phar said, his voice beginning to trail off.

“Read it then tell me” Son said interrupting him.

Unsure if his commanding officer was testing him or not, Phar decided to play along with it and read the note. Opening the crumpled piece of brown paper, Phar skims the note before looking back up at Son.

“The commander of the Shun Li is waiting for you in the war room.” Phar finally blurted out.

“See that wasn’t so hard. Return to your post for now I’ll call on you if I need you.”

Waiting until Phar walked away Son headed for the war room grinding his teeth in anger.

“How dare that woman come aboard my ship with out permission” He thought to him self.

Pushing open the war room door his anger quickly turned to surprise. Across the room Aki stood behind the table keeping her back turned to him as she lit candles with a stick of incense. Her long dark haired flowed down her back resting at the base of her spine did nothing to hide the fact she was Wearing noting more then a full length piece of thin black silk Aki smiled as she heard him enter the room. Placing the incense in a blue jade holder Aki turned around letting the cloth fall open revealing herself to Son. The sight of her soft pink nipples peering out of the fabric brought Son to instant point of intense arousal.

“You just going to stand there?” Aki said smiling as she walks towards him.

Sliding her hands inside the cloth his fingertips caressed her skin as he rapped his arms around her back. Looking into her green eyes he kissed her softly, the heat from her body radiated though Son’s clothing sending waves of arousal though every pore in his body. Gently dragging his fingertips he made his way towards her breast. Pushing him away she pressed a finger on his lips.

“Work first”

“You’re joking?”

“When do I ever joke?”

Sitting at the table Aki crossed her legs staring at him the thin piece of cloth resting at her shoulders exposing the fullness her breast. Son just stood there festered and a little surprised he didn’t see this coming.

“Are you going to sit?”

“You’re unbelievable.” Son said sitting in a chair next to her.

“Thank you, now down to business.”

“In a little under two hours well be in range of Port Sanibel. I have boats ready to be dropped on a moments notice.”

“What… What type of resistance can we expect?” Son stuttered trying to focus on the work and not the perfectly shaped naked woman in front of him.

“None if any, Sanibel is mainly an import export town. It’s surrounded by cliffs and ridges so no military only local law.”

“How many people live there?”

“Last count was some where around 8000 people, from what we could guess half are women and forth are children.”

“So that leaves 3000 that might put up a fight.” Son said rubbing his chin.

“I don’t really see a problem 3000 men with pitch forks compared to our 12000 highly trained soldiers, they’d be fools to try.”

“Never the less they will try.”

“Our main problem is going to be the bridge it leads though the Cliffs in to the Luchin countryside. We can’t afford to let that happen it might be hard securing it should be our first priority.”

“Agreed let the commander of the Vasa know that will his duty & remind him to secure the bride not destroy it.”

“I’ll be sure to remind him. Once we take the bridge they’ll be trapped it will just be a matter of wearing them down.”

“I really don’t see a challenge.”

“Let’s hope it stays that way.”

“Anything else?”

“Plenty, but you’ve been good so I think you’ve earned a break.”

Standing up Aki let the cloth fall to the floor as walked towards Son.

Hiding just out of sight in the stone passageway Ti peeked around the corner of the white stone wall. He was almost fascinated by the two guards not more than 50 feet away that didn’t even know they were there. “What could they be talking about to be so blissfully unaware their presence?” He thought to himself as Sara removed the cloth holding the set of iron keys from her pocket. Now stained from the iron Sara unfolded the cloth studying the keys for a moment before moving down the passageway to the handmade wood door with an Iron lock. One by one she tried the keys while Ti and David kept an eye out for more Guards. Despite all the trouble they caused in Cinatin security remained rather light allowing them to reach the manor with ease. Sara was inserting the keys for a second time when Ti noticed a captain approaching the two guards and from his stance it was more than likely to tell them to yell at them for standing around. His eyes locked on the guards Ti Gestured to David who quickly run down the passage to Sara. His shoes splashed in the shallow water as he approached Sara who was quickly losing patience with the old door.

“We’ve out of time.” David said

“I’m working on it.”

“Work faster.”

“I’ve gone through the whole ring twice.”


“It’s the lock I think it’s stuck.”

“Great.” David replied.

In the distance David and Sara heard Ti’s heavy footsteps echoing algae covered walls.

Sara who now on knees in the water never let her attention waver as his footsteps got closer. “I can’t disappoint him.” The single thought ran though her mind over and over again even seeming to get louder with every step.

“Is there a problem?” Ti said looking at Sara flubbing with the lock.

looking at Sara with hesitation but before he could speak Sara stood up swung the open the door.

“Nope no problem.” Sara replied trying to keep the relived look off her face so that it appeared everything was fine.

“Then let’s go.” Ti said stepping though the wooden door wand in to the waterways under the manor.

As they of stepped in to the waterways Sara closed wooden door just as the Guard approached. Standing in front of the door he watched for intruders clueless to the events that had transpired only seconds before. The waterways were dark and humid the walls were layered in a dark thick mold that released a smell so over powering their eyes started to burn almost immediately. Taking a blue crystal orb from his pocket David tosses it in to the water in front of him. Coming to immediate stop the golden top of the orb retracted expelling thousands of luminescent particles in to air light the catacomb like structure of the waterways. With light in these tunnels for the first time since their creation the mold retracted back in to cracks permitting the water to reflect on to the stone walls.

“They almost look like stars.” Sara said staring celling

“Yea, and almost as hot so be careful.” David replied.

Looking down the tunnel Ti became overwhelmed by the countless number of tunnels and passages before him. One wrong turn could have them lost for hours if not longer. Rushing without thinking more often then not had gotten Ti in trouble. Dwin Pal had been there each time Ti needed saved from himself. It wouldn’t be the same this time all Dwin could do is watch. Hoping his past experience had thought him something Ti turned looking at David.

“Which way?”

“Who me?” David replied with surprise.

“I think you already figured out. So which way?”

“Follow the water.”

“That’s it? Follow the water?” Ti responded.

“You’ve got to remember the Setion are a very parodied and cruel people. I’d say most of these passages are designed to kill us. But the sewage is following towards Cinatin I’ll bet you anything this is their drinking water.”

“That’s disgusting.” Sara quickly replied what a repulsed look on her face.

“That’s Setion.” Ti responded as he started following the water.

In the tunnels there was no Sun, no wind, no signs of how much time was passing. All Sara knew she is it felt like they had been walking endlessly.

With every step her boots filled with sewage and sludge making her feet heavy and legs exhausted. Sara tried to take her mind off her pain by counting the number of light orbs David laid down but she started to lose count and started counting the particles as they flew into the air.

“I need a break.” Sara said leaning sitting on a small block of concrete just above the water line.

“I think we’re all most there, the water is getting faster.” David replied.

Looking at the water couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed that. Something else she hadn’t noticed is that Ti hadn’t stopped with them. He kept going and now was nowhere to be seen.

“Ti’s gone.”

“Just wonderful.” David said looking around for him.

“We better go find him.”

A few hundred feet a head Sara and David came to cracked wooden door slightly ajar. Taking a peek inside the room the room was stone cold and colorless more fSara could see a huge pool of clean water be cycled by two colossal water wheels. In the far left corner a set of wood stairs that Sara could only assume lead in to the manor. Before she could turn away the door flung open giving her a terrible scare. In the door way Ti stood there looking at her as if she had done something wrong.

“I was starting to worry.”

“Sacred the life out of me.” Sara replied holding her hand to her chest.

“Well just don’t stand around we’re almost there.”

Stepping aside Sara and David stepped in to the water room. Finally able to breath deep without chocking they both inhaled deep the stale air almost sweet after being in the molded water ways for so long.

“Take a break, things get harder from here.” Ti said leaning against a stone column.

Sara quickly leaned down at the stone pool in the center of the room before Ti could change his mind. Cupping the water in her hands she took a sip before washing her face with the rest. From the moment they walked in the room something had been bothering David that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Examining the waterwheel carefully he noticed that while it appeared the water was being scooped up from the pool it was actually coming from the room above. As he looked up at the celling David walked around to Sara.

“Stop drinking that.”

“What why? It’s clean.”

“I know but it’s full of sin.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Its water from the river, it isn’t used by the Setion it has to be pure when gets here.”

“I don’t understand.”

“They waste the pure water by bringing it here and contaminating it before it goes to Cinatin.” Ti said walking over to the two of them.

“Bastards.” Sara replied with a feeling of guilt.

“The Setion probably imports their water.” David said.

“Nothing we can really do about it Get ready to go.” Ti Said heading for the stairs.

“Wait.” David said pulling a small grey tab from his pocket.

placing it on the cuff of his shirt he pushed down on the tab. Spreading from his wrist his clothing was quickly engulfed by a thick blue fluid. Absorbing in to his clothing as it had a will of its own the fluid began to put off an amazing white glow that appeared to be coming from in the fibers of his clothing. David’s clothing started to take a new shape and color. As quickly as it all started the glow faded leaving David wearing freshly pressed Setion uniform.

“That’s amazing!” Sara said walking over to David placing her hand on his clothing.

The red cloth of the uniform rippled like water with Sara touch. Ti couldn’t resist poking David in the shoulder to watch it ripple.”

“Stop that.”

“What is it?” Sara asked.

“Well basically I made nanites with Liquid Holographic crystal frame. The nanites carry the Holographic though out my clothing forming a new look.” David said pulling two more tabs from his pocket David outreached his hand. Each taking one Ti and Sara copied the movements they had seen David do a few moment earlier.

In the hologrid control room Dwin was out of his seat in shock his eyes were locked to the screen not trying to understand what he was seeing.

“Did you see that?” He said to Lieutenant Ross who was giggling in her seat.

“I think they got you beat.”

As dwin sat down a messenger walked in the door behind them. Handing Lieutenant Ross a small touch screen pad the messenger quickly turned and left.

“Strange.” She said placing her thumb on the screen of the pad it quickly activated.

“Thumb Print Verified Lieutenant Elaina Ross.

Setion attack on Lucihn Province imminent report to section 16 at once.

Senator Basca”

Lieutenant Ross looked up heading the pad to Dwin without saying a word. Placing his thumb on it the message coded to his thumb print appeared on the screen.

“Thumb Print Verified Instructor Dwin Pal.

Setion attack on Lucihn Province imminent report to Launch deck 3 with students Ti Edwards, Sara Taggert, & David Lynch at once.

Senator Basca”

“Is this for real?” Dwin said tuning to Elaina with a horrified look on his face.

Walking though the Manor Ti, Sara and David seemed to blend without being noticed. Ti was astonished at how organized and civil the Setion seemed to be. He expected to find to blood soaked walls and soldiers fighting in the halls. To his surprise the manor was beautifully decorated with marble and gold. It wasn’t until they reached in lobby that he was reminded of the Setion’s overwhelming cruelty. In the middle of the Room directly under the crystal chandelier was a statue from the nation of Goidelic. A beautiful stone sculpture the Goddess Sophia that had least 500 years old and more than likely stolen from one of their cathedral during an invasion. Her hands were now bond with stone ropes, her mouth covered with a stone gag and her eyes blind folded in stone.

Ti guessed it was their way of not only degrading the Goidelic but a way to silence Sophina so that they never have to fear retribution.

“Can I see your papers?” Said a soldier as he approached them from the stairs a soldier

“Thank the Gods, I think there has been a mistakes we’re not really sure why we’ve been sent here.” Ti responded.

“You didn’t get papers?”

“Afraid not they just told us to report to Captain Vix.” Sara replied.

“Damn it, believe it not this happens all the time. Give me a moment and I’ll be right back.”

“I can’t believe that worked.” David said as the soldier walked across the room to talk his commanding officer.

“Don’t get excited yet we still have to deal with Vix and get out of here.” Ti replied.

Finishing his conversation the soldier hurried back to where Ti and the other where standing.

“Captain Vix is about to leave for the weekend. If you don’t want to be stuck here I suggest you catch him before he leaves. Take the stairs up to the second floor and then walk straight until you come to the second hallway. His office is the third door on the right.”

“Thank you.” Ti replied.

When they found Captain Vix office the door was ajar and there were several half packed boxes on the stacked in the corner of the room. Walking straight in Ti began digging in the boxes for the orb.

“What are you doing?” Sara asked.

“See these boxes he’s not planning on coming back.”

Realizing he was right David began searching the trophy’s and spoils of war that lined the book case in place of any kind of literature. Sara started going through the thick oak desk in the center of the room. Removing the papers from each drawer Sara felt for a switch or hidden panel hoping to find any place Vix might hide it. In their haste they failed to notice that Vix had returned and was now leaning against the door frame eating an apple as he watched them ransack his office. Clearing his throat Ti Sara and David stop what they’re doing and look at the doorway all at the same time. Vix was a short bald little his face bore a scar on one side that ran from his eyebrow to the mid center of his cheek.

“You mind telling me what you’re doing?” Vix said taking another bite of the apple.”

As David went to answer “We’re..Um” before he couldn’t finish the Holo tab he used suddenly failed without warning. His clothes instantly returned to normal and a huge volume of water crashed on the carpet. Within seconds Ti and Sara Holo tab failed as well. David looked at Ti and Sara then finished his sentence. “Screwed.”

“So this is the part where some cliché bad guy appears at just the right moment and stops you?” Vix said holding his apple out in front of him studying it.

Tossing the apple into the air Vix lunges at David punching him in the jaw. Running to help Vix hears Sara footsteps as she gets closer as he takes a swing at Ti. Waiting for the right moment He kicks Sara in the stomach with such force it send her flying across the room. Angered and worried about Sara Ti garbs Vix by his shirt tossing him over the desk in to the book case. As he crashed into the wooden shelves he pulled every artifact down with him including a small wooden box that David had missed.

Breaking on the floor a glowing white orb rolled out stopping next to David feet. Taking it in his hand he examined the Orb for a moment before tucking it in his jacket pocket. Ti was already on the other side of the room help Sara to her feet. Ti softness and love for her shown though no matter how much he tried to hide it. Rapping one hand around her waist and the other hand in hers Ti gently helped Sara to her feet.

“You all right?” Ti asked.

“Yea he just knocked the wind out of me.”

“Are you sure?”

“What’s with the concern all of a sudden, I’m fine.”

“I hate to break this up but there is no way no one heard that.” David said wishing he could have let them be.

“We can’t go without the orb.” Sara replied still holding Ti’s hand scared she might fall down if she let go.

“I’ve got it.” David said patting his jacket pocket.

Giving David a slight nod they quickly left the room leaving Vix bleeding and unconscious behind his desk. No longer in uniform Ti didn’t want to chance a huge encounter with Sara still feeling the pain from what Vix had done. He had already made up his mind that the best way to go was though the tunnels since they had only seen a few solders on the way in. Making their way to the stairs Ti looked over the railing to see the lobby completely deserted. Knowing a lucky break when he saw it he quickly helped Sara down the Stairs with David following behind. Passing the Statue of Sopina the ground shook. Pausing Ti looked up at the statue. Suddenly the ground shook violently causing Sopina stone ropes to fall to the floor shattering in all directions.

“What’s going on?” Sara Said.

“I have no idea.” David quickly replied

Just then what seemed like the entire Setion Army came running into the lobby. Ti Readied himself to fight but the Soldier’s ran out the front door ignoring the three of them.

“Maybe we should follow.” David said getting a bad feeling in his gut.

Before Ti could agree the wall behind them burst open sending debris flying though the room. As the dust cleared Ti looked up towering over them as the biggest Abnormal Ti had ever seen. It couldn’t have been less than nine feet its skin was purplish green with arms as big enough to split the ground. As the creature screamed so loud they coved their ears Ti looked it at the creatures long bull like mouth it was full of twisted yellow teeth. Protruding from his top of his head were two long straight horns that reach out about far in front of his face. While Ti was noticing that Sara was noticing the rusted shackles still attached to his wrist his resent escape. To her this was another sign of Setion cruelty. “Who knows what how long they made you suffer.” She thought to herself.

“Run.” Ti yelled.

Making their way through the front door and down the steps they could feel the ground shaking behind them. The count yard was a place of panic and fear as soldier took up arms and prepared to fight. Pausing Sara looked back watching as the Abnormal exploded though the front wall of the manor. Instantly the solid stone pillars began to crack with lighting speed. Before anyone could blink the roof that overlooked the steps came crashing down around the creature.

“Open fire.” Someone yelled not caring that Ti, Sara and David were in the cross fire. Dropping to the ground Sara watched as bullet after bullet ripped through the creature’s flesh. Out stretching his arms the massive beast screamed at the top of his lungs before making a leap into the air. It only took a second for Sara to realize the beast was about to come down on her. With gun fire being shot over her head Sara froze with fear tightened her eyes waiting for monasteries fit to come down on her. One second passed, then five. Sara was so terrified she hadn’t noticed the gun fire come to a sudden precise stop. Opening one eye Sara saw the abnormal hovering over her. Unable to stop heart to stop pounding, she quickly realized that creature was frozen in midair. Looking around her everything around her had faded away revealing the cold grey purple walls of the holo room. With a single blink of her eye the Abnormal flickered then vanished. Racing to Sara’s side Ti knelt down staring deep into her eyes as he took her hand.

“You ok?” Ti asked.

“Yea, I feel more stupid than anything,”

Sara gave Ti a faint smile as he helped her to her feet. Her knees ached, her heart still raced uncontrollably although it was for a completely different reason. Dwin entered quietly from the control room.

“Why’d you stop the exam?” Ti asked jokingly.

Dwin took a deep breath an expression of anguish and distress filled every pore of his face. “How do I tell them I might be sending them to die?” He thought to himself. It wasn’t fair or right but orders were orders and there wasn’t anything he could do about that. With a sigh and what sounded like a weight in his throat he spoke.

“A situation has arisen; Lieutenant Ross is on her way to section 16 to find out more. But for right now I have been ordered to escort you to the launch deck,” Dwin said the words coming out easier than he had expected.

“What type of situation?” David asked.

“I honestly don’t know.”

“A lie?” Dwin thought. It was a complete surprise to him. He almost most didn’t believe he had said it. Dwin went to correct himself but paused before he could open his mouth. “Perhaps a few more moments of innocence and youth wouldn’t hurt them.”

“We should go they want us there immediately.” Dwin said looking at the three of them as he tried to hide his guilt.

Across the city Lieutenant Ross hurried down the corridor towards section 16. Every step echoed like gun fire off the thick metal walls. At the end of the corridor the two soldiers who usually give her a hard time by making her show her I.D. to spite she grew up with one of them were standing aside with the door open. Giving her a quick nod as she passed by them and into section 16 the two soldiers’ retook their positions in front of the 6 inch thick sliding door as it closed.

Lieutenant Ross had always been amazed by the sight of section 16 it wasn’t what you would expect from the most secret place in all of Avalon. It had a friendly atmosphere to it that was almost inviting. The crystal celling put off an astonishing transparent blue light that filled all most every inch of Section 16. The clear glass walls that occupied the second floor were a new edition that hadn’t been there when she was recruited two years ago. Section 16 had always been a topic of great controversy among the citizens of Avalon who felt it was a violation of the Open Government Act that allowed all citizens to access every government record the second files were placed on the network. It had been a long clash that almost ended with the permanent dismantling of Section 16. So it was a real surprise when such an unusual compromise was reached that wouldn’t allow anyone in section 16 to keep secrets from their colleagues.

Out of the corner of her eye the temporary leader of section 16 noticed Lieutenant Ross as she stepped into the lobby. With two fingers she pushed her small red wire glasses and grabbed a small grey envelope off the receptionist desk before heading towards were Lieutenant Ross was standing. Dina was the poster child for sex appeal her curly brown hair always found its way past her shoulders in the darkness of her cleavage. Her lips the perfect shade of crimson with an almost flawless shape that had even made Lieutenant Ross have impure thoughts from time to time.

“Elaina!” Dina yelled as she approached.

“Reporting as ordered,”

“Ordered, by who?”

“Senator Basca,”

“Strange I don’t have need for you at the moment, I sent all the mission data already to the Launch Deck with Radic,”

“Then why am I here?” Lieutenant Ross asked rising an eyebrow.

“Oh I almost forgot this is for you,” Dina said handing Lieutenant Ross the envelope.

Before Lieutenant Ross could see what was inside a series of transparent holo screens stationed throughout section 16 began to come on one by one.

“What now?” Dina asked looking around the room at the screens.

All over the city people began to gather watching and waiting as the transparent screens displayed the rotating the silver leaf logo of Avalon’s L band news channel.

After a few moments the Logo faded away reviling a somewhat older Anchor man with streaks of sliver in his hair tucked behind a cheaply made metal desk. Taking a deep breath he paused back before looking at the camera.

“Our sources in the Senate have confirmed that after a 28 year in the senator John Basca has unexpectedly resigned from office. There has been no comment from the senator’s office but we have been promised a statement by the end of the day. Once again senator Basca has unexpectedly resigned. Please stay tuned to L band news channel the as we follow this story.” He said never taking his eyes off the camera.

A gasp filled the lobby as the screens faded away; everyone looked at each other hoping someone would know what to say or how to react. The result was the same though out the city Basca had done so much for Avalon to go without him was impossible and to try to replace him was just insulting.

Lieutenant Ross looked at the envelope in her hand for a moment before quickly tearing it open. Removing the letter neatly folded inside she dropped the dropped the envelope as she began to read the letter. Lieutenant Ross could tell it was from Basca the hand writing was old fashion and flawless which a touch of elegance that is rarely practiced anymore.

My dearest Elaina,

I can only imagine the confusion you feeling right, that everyone is feeling. I wish I could have told you in person so that you didn’t find out like this but circumstances didn’t allow it. In a way I guess it’s for the best my career has been long and retirement has been a long time coming. Please try not to worry despite what my critics might say I have acted in the best interest of Avalon today. My only hope is that history will portray me in the same way.

Come see me anytime,

Daniel Basca

“I have to go” Lieutenant Ross said looking up from the letter a single tear dripping on the paper.

In the belly of the city stood on Ti & Sara platform overlooking the launch deck just a few feet below them. It was nothing to Dwin who had been here a hundred times before. But for Ti and Sara the sight of ships stretching out far as the eye could see loaded by hundreds of personnel with such precise precession was an astonishing sight.

For David it was just a sickening reminder of things he’d rather forget. Across the Platform Lucas Radic was talking with his students when he spotted Dwin from across the platform.

“Dwin,” Lucas yelled across the platform.

Squinting his eyes Dwin hardly recognized his old instructor. The man he remembered as Strong and full of youth was now heavyset with greying hair. As the two groups walked up to each other Dwin took Lucas’s hand in his giving it a firm shake.

“It’s been a long time,” Lucas said with a chuckle.

“To long,”

“So you’re an instructor now I see,”

“Yep that’s Ti, Sara & David.”

“They look like a strong bunch,”

“Guy’s this guy could shoot the hairs off a flea,”

“Good to meet you sir,” Ti said standing at attention.

“We need to talk privately,” Dwin said giving a quick glance at his students.

Walking out of ear range Ti’s attention turned to the other three students who were staring at them that was all except Becka Reese who was sticking her tongue out playfully at Ti.

“Been a while Becka,” David said adjusting his glasses

“Same to you Tabs,” She replied jokingly

“I asked you not to call me that,”

“Never going to stop,” She simply said with a smile.

David had always had a thing for Becka big in school seeing her now only made it worse. She had gone from the school girl he remembered to a vision of beauty. Her skin had tanned slightly from the girl he use to know, her hair was now longer and fell between her shoulders with long steaks of blonde mixed it with the natural brown he remembered. But all that couldn’t compare to her light green eyes that had made David notice her in the first place. He had almost worked up the nerve to ask her out once but was forced to put those feelings aside when he learned she preferred the company of a more feminine type of person.

“This is Meredith and that’s Heimdall,” Becka said pointing to the two twins standing quietly beside her.

“Nice to meet you,” They both said speaking in unison.

A small shudder went down Sara’s spine as she gave them a look. It wasn’t one thing in particular that she found unsettling but a lot of little things. It was more their pale complexion and unusually grey hair for someone in their early twenty’s. It was something she couldn’t quite put her finger on; something that made them seemed robbed of emotion.

“Let’s go.” Lucas yelled as Dwin walked back towards them.

Sara watched as Meredith Heimdall turned and walked away in perfect sync with each other.

“They take some getting used to, but they’re alright,” Becka said before running to catch up.

Dwin’s conversation while almost as short was of a much more pressing nature.

“Seems like we’re doing this blind, do you have any details on the mission other then what we already know?” Dwin asked.

“Not a one just was handed a data cube and active it during flight.” Lucas replied pulling a small crystal blue cube from his pocket and tossing it to Dwin.

“I was told to give that to you. You’re going to be on ship 42,”

Spinning the cube between his fingers Dwin stared at it for a moment before saying anything.

“The way this is being handled is beyond unorthodox,”

“No kidding, someone really messed up on this one. Just remember what I thought you and it will turn out fine.”

“No mistakes,”

“No mistakes,”

And with that no other words were said, none needed to be just a nod and Dwin turned around and headed back to where Ti Sara and David where standing.

“Let’s go.” Lucas yelled as Dwin walked back towards them.

Within minutes Dwin, Ti, Sara & David were abroad a Leaper flying though the force field that protected the launch deck from the outside. Dwin entered the cockpit locking himself away with the pilot so that he could review the data stored on the cube. Sara stared out the small round window as the craft passed though the cloak that hid the city from the world below. The sky vanished replaced by the orange glow of the cloaks inter layer and dark clouds of trapped gas. Waves of dark pink energy hit the hull of the ship breaking into millions of particles that recoiled off the ship. Passing though the outer layer the small Leaper cloaked as it returned to normal sky’s. As the reality of the situation became clear Dwin begin to remember the atrocities committed by hands of the Setion he had tried so hard to forget. But then again how could he ever forget the eyes of the brown eyed child?

The fear in her eyes as she dragged in to the street in front of the Setion Army. Her parents made to knell and watch as the brown eyed child was forced to kiss the blade of sword that would impale her heart. Those memories still caused him to wake in a cold sweat even after all these years.

Images like that you can’t forget they stay with you gnawing at your very being consuming you until you can think of nothing else, until you are nothing more than the sum of your memories. Now he was being asked to subject his students to that same hell without any chance to experience the beauty the world has to offer. As Dwin finished looking over the data he swiftly pulled the cube from it slot on the control console.

“Listen up times short so we only have time to go through this once,” Dwin said coming down the stairs.

Placing the cube in a slot on the wall a holo image appeared in the center of the room displaying a map of the region.

“Less than two hours ago a portal ship detected 12 Setion ships heading for Port Sanibel. Fearing this might be the first wave of an invasion more portal ships were dispatched. Since then another 48 ships have been found.” Dwin said as the ships were displayed on the map.

“By the gods,” David said in disbelief.

“It’s a full invasion,” Ti stated

Dwin gave them a moment to take it before continuing.

These ships will be in firing range in 91 minutes. Luckily we’re a lot faster than they are. Our mission will be to land in Port Sanibel and get our people out before the Setion arrive.”

“Who’s our target?” David said not meaning to interrupt.

“John, & Kira porter along with a daughter Rya. They run a bakery near the center of town so they shouldn’t be had to find. The rest of our people undercover are in Port Sanibel’s northern providence end so they will be retrieved by Lucas Radic’s team.

“Becka?” Sara thought to herself.

“Any questions?”

“It seems self-explanatory,” Ti replied.

“No mistakes and we’ll be home before the Setion gets there. Oh and David that trick you pulled in holo grid with your clothes can you do it again?”

“I have to make a few adjustments, but it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Good have them ready we’re going to be landing in about five minutes,”

“What about weapons sir?” Ti asked

“We’re not taking any.”

“But sir?” Ti said rising his voice.

“This is a peaceful place and we’re going to long gone before it turns ugly so no weapons,”

“Yes sir,”

“Be ready to go the moment we land.”

With that Ti, Sara and David gave their instructor a nod before watching him return to the cockpit sealing the door behind him. Ti looked at the display thinking of the mission ahead. David worked on the tabs hoping to improve on them before they landed.

And as for Sara she went to she looked out the window so no one would see her praying to the Ka’nati.

“O Holeyest of Gods, caretaker of my shameful spirit, I beg you forsake me not, Give no home to the wicked demon that would subdue me with the oppression of this mortal world; instead take me by the arm, and lead me in the way of salvation. I surrender my spirit and ask for a safe return from our journey.”

The birth of a hero is not a man seeking glory but merely a man thrown in to extraordinary circumstances that he is powerless to control. – Chapter 2

“I should be going,” Aki said pulling on her pants.

“That might be best,”

“Why do you have to be so cold Son” Aki said placing her arms around his neck as he buttoned his shirt.

Grabbing Aki’s arm Son turned around staring in to eyes with such anger she would have stepped back if he hadn’t been holding her arm so tightly.

“This is my ship you best remember that next time you come aboard without asking. Because the time you do I’ll have you tossed in the brig,” Son said as he released her arm.

“This is how you treat the woman you just made love to? I’m not some worthless whore!”

Son’s opened the door his hand pressed firmly on the brass handle before his looked back at her.

“Forget your place again and you’ll wish you were,”

Closing the door behind him he walked up stairs heading for the bridge of the ship when he heard of a commotion coming from the crewmen’s barracks. A circle of men cheered and screamed a two officer brawled. One dressed on his red and black uniform slashed at his shirtless comrade with a knife. Jumping backwards the shirtless man could feel the wind from the blade as it swung past his mid-section. Swinging at him again the shirtless man grabbed his arm pulling the blade out of hand blood running down both of them as he did. Tossing it across the room the uniformed officer’s look of surprise was almost enjoyable to his opponent. With a quick punch to the face the uniformed officer stammered back. Unable to regain his stance his opponent grabbed him by back of the head and slammed his face into a wooden bed post. The shirtless officer was about to deliver a crushing finish with hell of his shoe when Son walked in.

“That’s enough!” Son voiced booming over the cheers of the crowd.

The room went quite as Son waked the circle that had been their fighting ring. Son stared at each and every one of them watching the fear in their eyes as he passed by them.

“You want to fight that’s good; you’ll all get your chance. But not here save it for the battle field. Now disperse!”

With everyone gone only the two fighters remained. Son simply looked at them both bloody and beaten and with a calm tone said.

“Get cleaned up you’re going to be first out of the boats when we get there.”

And with that Son left the room and headed to the bridge.

“Has the Captain of the Shun Li returned her ship yet?” Son asked his first officer as he stepped on the bridge.

“Momently sir,” He replied looking up from the map table where he was calculating the ships position.

“Good, the moment she is signal the other ships, I want light the new engines. No use letting them sit Idle it’s time to put the fear of the Gods into them,”

“Right away sir,” The first officer replied with an excitement he was finding hard to contain.

Flying into a small cave off the beach of Port Sanibel the leaper gave a shutter as its landing struts touched the moist rock floor of the cave. Inside David had just finished modifying the Holo Tabs when the ship landed.

“All done.” He said passing one to Sara and Ti as Dwin stepped out of the cockpit wearing the clothing of a Luchin mergent. The long sleeve white shirt dark pants and a brown vest seemed to fit him nicely.

“I’ve made changes to the tabs you should know about. Since we’re still wearing the clothing the exam I don’t see any problem blending in with so try not use them unless we really need to. The battery will only last two or three hours at most, also they will act as a personal shield but you may only get one or two uses out of that,”

“That all?” Dwin said quickly moving towards the door at the back of the ship.

David nodded and Dwin turned pressing a small blue control on the wall. A small section in front of Dwin instantly transformed from the strong metal alloy it normally was in to a thin transparent fluid filled with glowing golden particles.

Dwin took a deep breath as he stepped through the doorway. It was strong like pushing on wet but rippled like water as he pushed against it. Even with the passage as thin as it was the enormous amount of resistance pushed on him making his muscles tired.

With the ship still hidden by the cloak it was as if he appeared out of nowhere. Looking back he always expected to see the interior of the ship but there was only the five metal steps that lead down to the stone floor and the inside of the cave that stretched off in to darkness. Following behind him a static hum echoed off the walls as Sara, David and appeared one at a time.

“That was rougher than it should have been.” Dwin said looking at David as he rubbed his shoulder.

“I’ll fix it when we get back it seems like the decontamination field is out of phase,”

“I don’t need the tech talk just make sure it gets fixed,” Dwin replied.

“Will do,”

Everything from the feeling of the ground under their feet to the flutter of birds’ wings flying over the opening to the cave was new. Sara slid the tips of her fingers across the stone entrance, enthralled with the feel of the rock from the slow trickle of water running down it. A soft wind wafted past the group as it filled the passageway with a faint scent of salt. As the wind drifted by, it did so with a surprising gentleness and ignited every pore in their skin with a rage of overwhelming sensations. Sara took a deep breath to relish in the moment as if it would never come again.

Ti, Sara and David had seen the sky a hundred times in the Holoroom but they never stopped to really notice it. Perhaps deep down they instinctively knew it was just an illusion no matter how real it felt. But stepping out of that cave on to that beach they were left breathless. Only two clouds where in the clear blue sky filled the horizon as far as the eye could see. The water was rolled in and out so hard and so fast that it splashed on the rock throwing a mist of water in to the air. The sand was a fine white darkened only slightly by the waves that lapped on the shore.

“Take a moment,” Dwin said remembering back to when he first stood on this beach twenty years before.

Sara quickly wiped a tear that was drifting down her cheek hoping no one would notice. Overhead they could hear the squawks of a group Dren’s. The strange small bird’s each has dark birds with golden wings that shined in the sunlight. They watched as the birds played over their heads eventually chasing each other off into the horizon and out of sight.

“It’s beautiful,” Sara said her words choked with emotion.

“It’s amazing alright,” David replied with a smirk.

“Moments over let’s get to work,” Dwin called out.

“Isn’t it a bad idea to be on the beach like this?” David asked as they all walked down the beach.

“That’s why we have to hurry; once the fighting begins it will be too dangerous for the leaper to take off.” Dwin Replied.

The harbor was strangely quite the docks that extended out into the ocean were unmanaged and falling in the water. What boards weren’t missing were warped and no longer fit into the spaces they were made for. The water around the docks was a dark brown from years of rust. David couldn’t help notice that one of the docks that was taller and longer then all the others had separated sinking more than half of it in to the ocean. Now all that remained was to poles and few pieces of plank.

“Looks like this place has been used in years.” David stated

“The west beach is bigger there are fewer rocks so ships don’t have to worry about wrecking.” Dwin replied.

“Ah, Wait have you been here before?” David said curiously.

“Once or twice.”

Continuing down the beach the four of them came out from behind the jagged rock face and to a twenty foot tall white brick wall that filled the gap between the rock faces. A single stone staircase ran up to the center of the wall to a small stone arch passage. The steps were only wide enough for one person at a time they were old and cracked the railing once carved with the most painstaking and interknit detail now lay broken and decaying in the sand below.

Fallen stone from the ceiling of the passage lay crumbled on the solid stone floor. The passage was small and confined making everyone uncomfortable in such a humid space. The Iron Gate at cast it’s shadow

On the brick wall as it swayed on its one remaining hinge.

Creaking as it blew slightly in the wind Dwin pushed the gate opened. The screech of fatigued echoed through the tunnel. Stepping from the tunnel they found themselves between with a pale stone staircase in front of them. The sound of music from the plaza above was lively and fast. The cheers and yells of excitement roared of the music.

Not so surprisingly no one noticed as they came up the stairs in to the plaza. Hundreds of people filled the plaza and the surrounding streets. In the center of the plaza a wooden platform circled the Monument of Reredos. The platform rose nine feet in the air allowing only the crystal top of the obelisk to be seen. Six Musicians stood on the stage each playing a different stringed instrument. Their fingers moving flawlessly though the notes as the upbeat song excited the crowd. 

“What is this?” Sara said trying to talk over the crowd.

“I have no idea.” Dwin asked

“We’ll be back in just a few minutes.” The band yelled as the crowd cheered.

As the band walked down a wooden staircase on the side of the make shift stage the crowd dispersed in all directions. Most made sure not to go far from the stage.

“There must be thousands of people here we’ll never find them.” Sara said.

“Yes but why?” Dwin said looking around for some to ask.

It only took a moment before Dwin found spotted a vendor next to the wall of one the six three story wood buildings that circled the outside the plaza.

“Pickles, fresh tasty Pickles here!” An overweight vendor with a stained apron yelled holding up a large green pickle from behind his booth.

“Pickles?” Sara asked with a surprised tone.

“Luchin pickles are a delicacy they ferment the pickles for a year before selling them.” Dwin Said as they approached the Vendor.

Dwin pulled a roll red and blue Luchin currency from his pocket. Unrolling it Dwin laid four Regattas on the splintered wooden counter.

“Give me one.”

The vendor turned around taking a long steel ladle from overhead he dipped into an old wooden barrel filled to the brim with pickles. Slushing around in the light green water the vendor stirred up the strong smell of spice.

“I am looking for an old friend I was wondering if you might have heard of him.” Dwin said as the Vendor fished out a pickle.

“Oh yea who’s that?”

“John Porter.”

The vendor laughed almost dropping the Pickle as he wrapped it up.

“What’s so funny?”

“Yea I know old John hard to live in this town and not know him.

That crazy old fool has out sold me the last eight days of the festival.”

“Any idea where I might find him?”

“He’s got a shop market street.” The vendor said pointing to a small stone brick street connecting to the east side of the plaza.

The Vendor handed Dwin his pickle and with a nod and thank you they headed in the direction the vendor with a stained apron had pointed.

“Did you ask what was going on?” Sara asked as they walked.

“No need to it doesn’t concern us.” Dwin replied.

“I guess not.”

Dwin stopped for a second.

“It’s hard I know, but there is nothing I we can do for these people. If we were to tell these people that they were all about to die at the hands of the Setion they would either laugh or riot. Neither of which does us any good. All you can really do is try not to think about it.”

“I’ll try, but it’s not easy.”

“Take a bite of this.” Dwin said breaking the pickle in half.

With almost no hesitation Sara bit though the green skin of the pickle.

At first she gave a smile at the sweet flavor, and then her face turned a dark red. Tears streamed down her face. The sweet flavor was now sour and spicier then she could handle. Swallowing before she finished chewing the large piece slid painfully down her throat as it hit her stomach.

“A little strong.” She said with trying to regain her voice.

Dwin gave a slight smile and a laugh before continuing towards Market Street.


“He’s in there.” The maid said opening the door newly resigned senators private study.

“Thanks.” Elaina said giving the maid a wave as stepped into the study.

Elaina took a momentary pause astonished at how little the room had changed over the years. Books still lined every wall expect for a small window with a single potted plant. Two red leather chairs still sat in front of the huge oak desk where a picture of Elaina’s mother sat.


“Come in child.” Basca said leaning forward in one of the leather chairs to light his pipe.

Sitting in the chair next across from him Elaina studied his face for a moment. She paid attention to every new line and wrinkle and the overbearing heaviness in his eyes and yet to spite that sadness and pain she still saw the proud man she knew as a child. The man who

Saw Avalon becoming overpopulated and fought the consecution of a second city on the surface. The same man who could be strong and as big as life but still humble himself to the smallest child.

“How’s the evacuation?”

“I’d thought you’d be keeping up to date on it.” Elaina said surprised.

“I don’t really feel like it.”

“Well last I heard all teams landed safely. So hopefully they should be back with penalty of time to spare.”

“We can only hope.” He said taking a long drag off his pipe.

Elaina’s eyes became fixed on the cloud of smoke Basca exhaled into the air.

“The senate is thinking of bringing me up on charges if anything were to go wrong.” Basca said calmly & somewhat suddenly.

“They can’t do that.”

“They can I acted without their knowing & I sent untrained personnel into a potently hostile environment. At least that’s how they put it. It seemed a bit over done to me but then Senator Baracus always did like the dramatic.” Basca said drifting off the subject slightly.

“Uncle.” Elaina said sharply.

“Oh yes. Elaina no matter what happens I stand by my decision. To connive a Senate meeting and make and decide on a course of action would have taken a great deal more time than what we have.”

“Everyone will return home safely & we won’t have to worry about it.”

“Elaina you’re going to have to be stronger then I have ever asked you to be.”

Taking her hand he continued

“I’ve asked the senate bring me up on the charges either way.”

“Why would yo…” She started to say before he put his hand up so that he could finish.

“Just listen. I need you not to fight this. No matter how hand this is to watch. No matter what you hear or see. Please just let this happen.”

Elaina pulled away almost unable to believe what she was hearing.

“Why?” She asked trying to hold back tears.”

“Using students was the only viable decision, but even if none gets hurt and the mission is a complete success the fallout could be devastating to the senate.

Elaina rose to her feet in anger pacing for a moment before looking back at her uncle.

“So you can just rot in some jail, forgotten about while they continue on like nothing you did mattered?”

“The people need to know that I acted alone in order to protect the whole of Avalon not just the senate.”

“Damn the senate!” She yelled.

Basca rose his chair sliding back as he stood.

“I never want to hear you say that again! You weren’t there; you didn’t see the city divided into factions after the High council fell. We were moments from civil war. Those men and their belief of public senate saved us from destroying ourselves.”

Elaina turned away from him refusing to show him her tears.

“What made you send students?” Elaina said wiping away the tears from her chin.


“Wouldn’t the military been a better choice?”

Pausing for a moment Basca struggled to find an answer.

“Any military action would have required a senate vote.” He said surprised by his own answer.

“And that would have taken to long?”


“Then I guess a good thing you happen to think of the students. They were almost a perfect choice.”

“What are you getting at?”

“This was Ava’s plan wasn’t it?”

“No.” Basca quickly lied.

“The responsibility for this is mine to share with no one & I alone will suffer the consequences.”

“I better not find out she had anything to do with this.”

“Why do you hate her so much? I remember when you two use to be the best of friends.”

“It’s complicated.”


Normally a quiet place market street was a where people came to do causal shopping when it suited them. But during the festival it was filled with people who had come to eat shop and watch the entertainers dance and sing. As Dwin and the others walked along looking a single man among what seemed to be hundreds they could hear the venders and street mergent's calling out over the eminence noise of the crowd.

“Hand sown Rugs here! Get your hand sown rugs straight from the Cathedral City! Blessed and guaranteed to last a life time.” A mergent yelled.

“Fresh cooked Chiscabo get the best Chiscabo in all of Sanibel right here.” A vendor yelled from the other side of the street holding up a small plump creature on a stick. Its long nose slender hung down hitting the stick as it swayed from side to side. As they walked a sweet smelled filled the air. Without realizing it they all inhaled together taking in the sweet aroma.

Turning in the direction of the smell Dwin spotted a shop tucked between two of the food stands. A wood of the small shop was splintered and lacked any paint except for the words “Porter bakery” the hung over a tattered door in a bold white.

“Over there.” Dwin said pointing on the shop.

Walking inside Dwin, Ti, Sara & Davd where all surprised to find the shop wall to wall with waiting patrons some giving stares and dirty looks as if they might cut in line taking that perfect causing one of them to miss out on that one prefect pie.

Looking at John behind the counter David noticed seemed simplistic compared to the others on Market Street. He didn’t have to have a stand out on the street or shout in hopes that customers might hear him. And while most people only stopped to glance at the merchandise of the other vendors john was the only person on all of market street with a line of people waiting to buy from him.

Dwin pushed his way to the front ignoring the hateful looks of the other patrons as he squeezed by. Leaning on the counter Dwin was careful not to say anything as he watched John Porter worked flawlessly to finish a blue crusted pie.

Cutting the edges off with a knife John ran his hand along the edge checking the smoothness of his cut before placing it in white box. Rapping it with a red bow John took the pie from his work station and placed it on the front counter.

“There you go ma’am.” John said to the elderly woman on the other side of the counter.

Giving him a smile she handed the box to her husband who waited quietly behind her. Taking the small hide bag from her side she untied the lace string and removed a hand full of silver coins.

“No Mrs. Loboa this one is on me. Just promise me you’ll enjoy it.”

“Thank you young man.” The elderly woman said her wrinkles folding back to form a smile.

Watching them walk away John turned his attention to Dwin blissfully unaware of the flakes of flower in his thinning red hair.

“You’ll have to wait in line like everyone else.” John stated firmly

“Yea, Back of the line!” A patron yelled from in the midst of people that filled the small bakery.

“This will only take a second.” Dwin replied Putting his hand up to stop the customer that was approaching the counter.

Reaching in to his pocket Diwn pulled out a blood red stone incased in gold and engraved with the prayer of the guardians.

“Blessed are all the children of the Kana’ti”

Laying it on the wood counter John gave the Jewel a quick glance before looking back at Diwn.

“Looks expensive, now back of the line.” John snapped pointing to them to a single open space in the far corner of the bakery.

Raising an eyebrow in Dwin shot John a look confusion as he went back to helping the waiting patrons. Tucking the jewel back into his pocket Dwin quickly stepped in front of the patron before she could get a word out of her mouth.

“Hey.” She said in surprise

“One moment.” Dwin said turning to look at her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” John asked sharply.

“I was curious if Kira might be around, We’re old friends and were passing though kind of quickly.”

“Will it get you out of my shop?”


With a heavy sigh john called to the kitchen where his wife was cooking.

“Kira can you come here for a moment?”

Within seconds a tall slinky brunette poked her head around though the arched kitchen door her hair falling against the wood as she stared at her husband.

“What is it sweetie?” She asked in a soft tone.

“This guy says he knows you.” John said pointing to Dwin in front of him.

Giving a quick glace in Dwin’s direction Kira almost didn’t recognize him. It was as if a faded memory had suddenly returned from the depth of her mind. Her heart began to race at the sight of her old friend though she didn’t show it.

“By the Gods! Dwin is that you?” She said stepping out of the door way.

“You really know this guy?” John asked.

“Sweetie how could you forget Dwin he was at our wedding?”

“Oh, right.” John replied in an unsure tone.

“Good to see you again John.”

“Likewise.” John replied.

“What brings you to town?” Kira asked.

“Just here for the festival, can’t stay very long.” Dwin answered

“Then you must come in the back and let me make you something special before you leave.”

Lifting the hinged door dividing the back form the rest of the bakery she waved him to the back. Putting her hand on the door she looked back at the three teens that had been quite the entire time and gone almost unnoticed by her. Noticing how they stood it was easy to see no matter how much they wanted to relax there military training wouldn’t let them.

“And bring your friends to.” She said continuing into the kitchen.

As the door swung back and forth it allowed for a brief glimpse of the kitchen. That was enough to catch Sara’s attention. It wasn’t until she stepped though the arched doorway behind the others that she was left stunned at the sight of the tiny kitchen. Only as wide as two people it was long with thick square crossbeams that ran the length of the kitchen all the way to the back door of the bakery. The room was lit solely by oil lamps that hung though out the small space. To Sara’s surprise everything was remarkably in order & clean, not at all what she expected.

Stacked five high bags of grain rested neatly. While other things like spice and wheat sat in wooden barrels waiting to be used. Taking it all in Sara quickly turned her attention back to the others she was surprised to see to Kira rap her arms around Diwn hugging his neck.

“An embrace of old friends or perhaps old lovers.” she wondered.

Letting go of Dwin she immediately slapped him across the face. The sound rang like a bell though the kitchen. Dwin grabbed his cheek rubbing the red spot where he was slapped firmly.

“I might have deserved that.”

“Might have? Not so much as a single from you in the last decade and you might have deserved that!” Kira said her voice full of rage but still low enough for john not to hear in the next room.

“Can this wait until later?” Ti asked

“We’re kinda on a time limit.” Sara added

“You’re not here for the festival re you Dwin?

“Fraid Not.”

“The Setion are on their way.” David said coldly.

Kira started to pace the old weathered wood creaking beneath her feet. A clear look of distress on her face over the news she just heard.

“So how long, a week a month?”

Everyone was silent, no one wanted to be the person to tell the woman standing in front of them that, this woman that Ti, David & Sara hadn’t even been introduced to properly that the life she had become accustom to was soon to come to an end.

“How long?” Kira repeated an uneasy forming in the pit of her stomach from the silence.

“We’re looking at a window of about an hour.

Kira’s pacing to a dead halt, her eyes widened and her skin went pale.

Inside she was horrified the taste of vomit traveled up her throat. Swallowing hard she spoke with a shiver in her voice.

“That’s not enough time.”

“It’s going to have to be.” Ti replied

Kira looked away her silence hung in the air. Turning her back to them she lowered her head leaning over the table where she had been working. Weeping Kira’s tears fell splashing into the pile of left over flour on the table.

Dwin placed a hand on her shoulder turning her to face him. He wiped the tears away from her cheeks.

“Where’s Rya?” Dwin asked,

Kira gasp and put her hand over her mouth.

“I forgot about herm you have to find her Dwin Please Dwin Please!”

“I’ll find her.” Ti said taking a step forward.

“She spends a lot of time at the clock tower with this boy she’s been seeing.”

Kira took the silver locket from around her neck and placed it firmly in Ti’s hand.

“Her picture is in there.”

Opening it he looked took a quick look at the photo of the young woman in her red dress before closing it.

“I’ll find her.” Ti said gripping the locket tightly in his hand before heading down the passage way and out the back door.

“Now what’s wrong with John” Dwin said as the back door closed.

Sara and Davis looked at each other with puzzled expressions as if they had missed something.

It’s that easy to see huh?” Kira asked

“He didn’t recognize the symbol of the Guardians. And I wasn’t at your wedding.” Dwin said in a soft tone.

“I can remember the night before it started. Everything was fine we ate dinner, took a walk together, made love. But you propyl don’t want to hear about that.”

“No not really.” Dwin replied

“Anyway when we woke up he just seemed different, at first I just thought he was getting into character. You know preparing for the festival. But then a day turned into a week and he refused to come out of it. It wasn’t until we started talking one day that I realized something was truly wrong.

I started talking about Avalon and how I missed watching the sunset from the arboretum. He just looked at me like I was the crazy one. Every single memory before this place just lost.”

“Some kind of selective amnesia?” David asked.

“No it’s not that simple. He has memories. He remembers where he grew up, and how we met. There just not the right memories.

“Ok I’m not following you.” Dwin said

“He remembers growing up in a Village called Cardiff. And there such vivid detailed memories. We spent hours talking about his parents and how we met only thing is it’s all completely fictional.”

“So if not memory loss then some kind of mental break?” David asked looking over at Dwin.

“Would seem that way.”

“I should have reported it.”

After a short pause Dwin looked up at Kira anger in his eyes.

“Your damn right you should have, do you have any idea how hard it’s going to be to get him out of here! Not like he’s going to come willingly.”

Kira just stood there tears building in her eyes. Dwin could tell how hard this had been on her. Taking her in arms she rested her head on his shoulder.”

“I tried

I just kept hoping he would come out of it on his own.” She said sobbing.

“It’s ok we’ll think of something.” Dwin said looking over at David and Sara with a worried look.


It wasn’t hard to spot the clock tower taller than any other structure it rose above Port Sanibel the long iron hands and golden numbers visible to the entire town. Running through the maze of buildings Ti kept a constant eye on the clock face making sure every street he took brought him closer to the tower.

Passing small clusters of people occasionally filling the streets because of the festival Ti couldn’t help notice the people and chatter that went along with them faded as he got closer to the tower until it was all together gone. As Ti turned down one more lonely street Ti could no longer the tower over the tops of the buildings but instead it was clearly visible right in front of him. Entering the plaza it opened up into a wide area with of white marble fountains Ti‘s only focus was on the white stone wall that surrounded the tower. A stone archway gave entrance to the three stone high wall. Following a small walkway the sounds of young laughter caught Ti’s attention. Quickly making his way through the grass Ti came to the left side of the tower where he found two lone people sitting in a patch of bright blue flowers.

The boy couldn’t have been more than fourteen years old. His short curly hair shined a dark copper red in the sunlight. The girl who was giving the boy glances over the thick leather book she was reading together had long golden hair with curls that went sown her back. Her light blue eyes matched the long dress she wore. As Ti approached Rya looked up from the leather bond book.

“Can I help you sir?” She said lifting her head from the young boy’s shoulder.

“Are you Rya?”

“I am and who might you be sir?”

“Your mother sent me to find you. I need you to come with me right now.”

Glistening in the sunlight the shards of blue diamonds that covered the sliver twisted chain of the locket caught Rya’s eye. Recognizing it as her mother’s locket Rya immediately rose to her feet. Grabbing Ti’s hand she took the locket from him.

“This is mothers, she never takes it off. Has something happened to her?” Rya said clutching the locket tightly.

“No she’s fine, but I do need to take you to her right away.”

“Give me a moment.” She replied holding up one finger.”

Turning around she looked at the boy with rust colored hair who was still sitting in the blue flowers. Leaning in she kissed him on the softly on the cheek before whispering in his ear.

“I love you, Find me at the water tower tonight.”

With that she looked into his eyes for a moment giving his cheek a rub with her thumb before going to where Ti was waiting.

“We can go now.” She said walking past Ti.

Passing though the stone archway the boy with rustic hair ran to catch up waving his arms he yelled for them to stop.

“Wait you forgot your bag.”

Running into the clock tower he disappeared in to the shadows.

“We don’t have time for this.” Ti stated

“It will only take a second.”

As the boy with rustic hair emerged from the shadows an ungodly whistling filled the sky. Growing louder and louder Ti looked up to see two flaming bombs flying through the air a trail of thick dark smoke following behind them. Seeing that they were headed for the tower Ti grabbed Rya tossing her to the ground. Covering her with his own body he activated the personal shield given to him earlier by David when they first arrived in Port Sanibel.

Engulfing them both in a dome of green energy just as the two whistling fireballs tore the clock face and brick frame of the tower. With a screech of tearing metal the iron minute hand began to fall from the tower as to massive explosions that ripped the clock tower apart sending brick, iron and steel flying in all directions. The shield flashed and shimmered like water as the flames and heat from the explosion built up inside the dome. Ti fought to hold down Rya as she screamed and struggled to break free. Ti could hear the chucks of stone as they smashed against the shield. Still Ti didn’t risk moving even as his arm began to blister from the heat. Opening his eyes for a split second he could see the shield was now nothing more than a thin shell on the verge of collapse. Closing his eyes Ti prayed to the Kana’ti for that just a few more seconds the thinning shield would last.


Dwin and Kira stood near the heavy cast iron stove talking privately while David and Sara waited patiently at the back door for Ti and Rya to return. Sara couldn’t help over hear bits and pieces of their conversation when not talking to David. Still what bits and pieces she did over hear lead her to believe they had been more than friends at one time.

Without warning a sudden explosion knocked Sara and David off their feet. Shards of glass from tiny window of the back door rained down on top of them. Sara’s ear were still ringing as she picked herself up still the ringing didn’t ground out the screams and cries that came from outside the bakery.

Blood flowed in to David’s mouth from tiny cuts in his cheeks. As he opened his eyes he realized he was lying next to a large piece of the thick wooden door he had been standing bay. Looking over David saw the reminder of the door swinging freely on one hinge.

Dwin and Kira ran to help them to their feet as john ran into the kitchen.

“We’re under attack, quickly get to the basement.” He said as he made his way to a spot between two barrels that lined the wall near the back door. Pulling up on a rusted ring in the floor John lifted up on the large wooden door hidden in the floor reviling a rotted staircase that lead in to the basement.

A place that until now Kira had forgot existed. John placed his hand on Kira’s back ushing her into the basement paying no mind to the others in the room. Sara and David quickly followed behind Dwin their footsteps creaking on the rotted wood steps.

The basement was cold and damp a single light shined on the ground though a tiny three pane window. In the corner set three shelve full of boxes and items long forgotten about made apparent by the thick layer of undisturbed dust that covered every inch of the shelve. Her foot shushing in the muddy dirt floor Sara shook her foot trying to shake loose the thick layer of mud that hung to her shoe when the whistling filled the air. David who was still on the stair struggled to pull the wooden door shut.

“Shut it.” Dwin yelled

“It’s too rusted.” David said pulling on the Iron handle. Suddenly a bomb crashed through the roof of the bakery exploding as it hit the wooden support that ran the length of the kitchen. The sheer force of the blast threw David from the stairs. His head split open as he hit he a broken floor bream from years before. His blood splattered leaving a long streak against the wall behind him. John grabbed the unconscious David by the shirt pulling him to safety before he could hit the ground.

Before Sara could make it to David’s side two more Bombs came crashing into the bakery tearing it and the surrounding buildings apart. They watched as hundreds of pounds of debris and brick collapsed in on the staircase sealing them inside. The room went dark small three pane window now only shining light though the tiny cracks in the rubble.


The shield around Ti and Rya flicked and collapsed as the flames receded. Dozens of small fires littered the area surrounding the remains of the tower of the once proud tower. No longer able to hold on to Rya kicked herself free of Ti running towards the remains of the clock tower. Seeing the mess of stone and twisted steel Rya screamed out for the rustic haired boy.

Samuel! Samuel!”

With no response Rya ran towards the burring rubble. Quickly grabbing her by the wrist Rya fell into Ti’s arms. Sobbing loudly she beat on his chest as he did his best to hold her and console her.

“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” Ti said as she cried on his chest.

There were no words only cries as Meredith and Heimdall came running towards them from one of the many streets that connected to the plaza where the clock tower stood only moments before. Meredith and Heimdall were astonished to find there and even more astonished to find him alive.

“Did you see that?” Heimdall asked Ti as they approached

“I was in it.” Ti responded looking at the twins.

“Highly unlikely.” Meredith replied in a tone of complete disbelief.

“What did you just say!.” Ti said anger in his voice.

Meredith took a step back realizing he may have crossed a line he was unable to apologize before the whistling started again. Looking up dozens of bombs streaked across the sky in all directions.

“I need you to take her back to your ship.” Ti yelled.

“No I’m not going anywhere.” Rya replied still crying.

Grabbing her by the arms Ti looked deep in to her eyes.

“You don’t have a choice.” He said a deep seriousness expressed on his face. Seeing that look on his face she realized they were there to protect her. Talking a deep breath she nodded hoping she was making the right decision.

“Now get her out of here!” Ti continued as he passed her to Heimdall.

“You’ll be safe with me.” Heimdall said giving Rya a smile that gave her the creeps

As Heimdall escorted Rya to the Leaper Meredith stayed behind for a moment.

“You’re going to find them aren’t you?” Meredith asked already knowing the answer from the look in Ti’s eyes.

“I can’t leave them behind.”

“Come on!” Heimdall yelled from down the street.

“Be careful.” Meredith said before running to catch up with Heimdall.


Son stood silently at the bow of his ship watching as pillars of thick dark smoke rose from all over port Sanibel. The dark clouds of smoke giving a ominous to the dark orange sky. Closing his eyes he listened to each explosion. Picturing the flames that burned thought out Port Sanibel he didn’t feel the excitement he had expected or hoped for. In its place he felt a growing shame that gave him a sick feeling in the bottom of his stomach. General Anthers walked up behind Son slapping him on the shoulder as he gave a hardy laugh at the sight of Port Sanibel.

“What have I told you about doing that?” Son said grinding his teeth.

“Lighten up by boy you should be over joyed. A flawless victory on your first assignment is no small feat. Yep from now you’re going to be looked upon with golden eyes.”

“There is no honor in this.” Son muttered hitting his fist on the railing.

‘What was that?”

“I said there’s no honor in attacking a people that cannot attack back. This isn’t war it isn’t even sport. I’ve hunted winged Shinyu that were more of an opponent then this. He said turning to look at Anthers.

“The men are itching for a battle, but we should wait to send in them in now means loses. There’s enough ammunition we could spare the men for another fight that our cannons cannot reach. There are plenty of other Luchin villages to be conquered.”

“No stop the attack and prepare the men, we will not continue to fight in this manner.”

“Are you mad this is a great Victory for all the Setion people don’t let your pride take that away from you.”

“It’s a worthless Victory! Now do as I say and prepare the men!”

“This is my mistake but I will obey your orders to the fullest.” Anthers said giving a sarcastic bow.

Before Anthers could walk away Son placed a hand on his shoulder. Taking a moment before speaking he looked at the metal deck plating beneath his feet.

“There is no victory in winning like this. I don’t need your support in this matter but I would like it.” “I could use one more battle before I retire.” I’ll inform the men.” Anthers said with a chuckle.

“Good then you can also let them know I will be leading the attack.”

“But sir you’re the Prime.”

“I know damn well what I am! Now are you going to obey my orders or do I have to have you toss overbroad,” Son said with a flare of anger that even scared Anthers.

“Right away sir.” Anthers replied coldly.


In the darkness Sara could just barely make out the silhouette of John Porter feeling around on the wooden shelves, His hands moving carefully so not to break anything. Still there was the sound of objects clanking together as he hit objects inadvertently.

“Ha Ha, I found it.” He shouted out of the darkness.

Before anyone could ask the small part of the room where he was standing was lit in the glow of a tarnished oil lamp. Adjusting sliver knob the flame grew brightening until half the room was lit. Placing the lantern in the center of the room John could almost feel the worry lift from the basement.

“There we go, no use waiting for rescue in the dark right” John said before returning to sit next to Kira.

Checking the bandages she had done in the dark Sara was surprised to find they had only slowed David’s bleeding but stopped it all together.

“How’s he doing? Dwin said sitting down next to her.

“He’s alive other than that I don’t know.”

“If he’s alive there’s hope.”

The sound of Dwin’s voice triggered something in David’s memory long forgotten. David opened his eyes to find himself in the home where he spent the first few years of his life. David stood in a large kitchen with the sunrise

Shining though full two sized glassed doors that looked out over Avalon’s arboretum. Two cups of coffee sat on the counter to cool as they had done every morning when he was young. Hearing voices coming from the living room David went to the kitchen doorway and watched his parents as they talked to a much younger Dwin Pal. Unnoticed by anyone in the room David quickly realized he was an observer rather than a participant.

“Section 16 has an assignment for you.”

“I thought we were done with section 16.” David’s father said sitting in a blue arm chair.

“They want you to do one more mission,”

“We have David to think about now.” His mother replied.

David couldn’t believe he had forgotten the softness of his mother voice or the strength of his father. It was almost too much for him to watch but he knew there was a reason for him being in this memory.

“I forced them to agree that this is your final assignment.”

Looking at his wife and with a heavy sigh David’s father spoke.

“What’s the job?”

“Kent!” His mother replied.

“We need out hunny if this is the only way, I say we do it.”


“The mission shouldn’t take more than a day. Section 16 wants you to check the sensors on the Abraham seal.”

“That’s no easy task.” His father stated.

“No but you won’t be alone and then you’re done.”

In all the years since his parent’s disappearance David had never heard of the Abraham seal and yet he was sure this was one of the final days he spent with his parents. Looking around the room only one thing didn’t make any scene.

“If this is one of my memories where am I?” He thought

It wasn’t until David felt something brush up against his leg that David looked down to see himself as a child standing in the same door way watching his parents as he held the two cups of coffee. Knelling down David looked at his younger counterpart. Such a deep sadness in his eyes as if he knew this would be the last day he would see his parents.

As he knelled there his younger self pointed to something behind David. Looking behind him he was astonished to find himself on the launch deck.

“What the?” David said to himself.

Taking his hand David and his younger self walked the launch deck in silence until they came to platform 33. The boy let go of David’s hand and walked over to where Dwin sat frozen in a knelling position with his arms out.


“Strange I didn’t see him there a moment ago” David thought.

Taking a place in Dwin’s arms David’s younger counterpart began crying uncontrollably,

And as if the missing piece to some sort of puzzle Dwin came to life taking the weeping child in his arms.

“Shhh, Shhh it’s going to be alight.” Dwin said trying to console the weeping boy.

Looking around David saw the white metal sign above them that read platform 33.

“Platform 33, platform 33 this is where my parents left from. I was here every day waiting for them to return and every day Dwin came to get me. How did I forget something like this?”

“This is all your fault.” Dwin said angrily.

Turning round to see who Dwin was speaking with saw no one. It wasn’t until he noticed his younger counter part pointing at the floor that he looked down to see the shadow of a slender person. Looking around David saw no person or object connected to the shadow. It was then that he realized that though the crack between Dwin arms that’s all his younger counterpart was capable of seeing.

Sara rubbed the back of David’s hand as she prayed for the gods to spare his life.

O blessed Gods of all things who are the only source of health and healing, the spirit of calm and the central peace of this universe, look upon this man with eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon him, may your life giving powers flow into every cell of his body and into the depths of his soul.”

“I remember that prayer.” Kira said sitting down beside her.

“Sorry I didn’t realize anyone was listening.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Kira said patting her on the leg.

“You know in all the excitement I never got your name.” Kira continued.

“I’m Sara.”

“And your friend?” Kira said looking over at David.

“That’s David.” Sara said with a sad tone.

“Think he’ll be alright?”

“He’s stronger than he looks.”

“And what of your other friend?”

“Who Ti?”

“So that’s his name. Do you think he’s safe?”

“I do and so is Rya, you’ll see.”

“You wouldn’t happen to hidden passage out of here or anything like that would you?” Dwin said folding his arms as he leaned against the wall next to john.


“Didn’t think so.”

“Don’t take this wrong but I thought I knew everyone from our wedding.”

“Yea about that, you seem to just fine, so why is it all your memories are wrong? What happened to you?”

“Beg your pardon?”

“You really don’t remember anything? Fending off Abnormal’s, at the Quabbin Reservoir. We hid in the forest for two week from the army of the Great Magellan Gestadt. And you’re saying you don’t remember any of that.”

“I really have no idea what you’re going on about.”

“No you don’t do you? The question is why.”


As night fell on Port Sanibel Meredith, Heimdall & Rya made their way quietly though the empty streets to the old north cathedral. Rya stayed close behind Meredith scared to look at the cathedrals tall towers or its menacing sculptures.

“It looks so much worse in the dark.” Rya said just low enough for Meredith to hear.

“There is nothing to be sacred of there’s nothing in the dark that isn’t there in the light.”

“I hope your right.” She said grabbing on to his arm.

Stepping up to the old wood fence it squeaked as Heimdall pushed a board to the side. Holding the board so that Meredith & Rya could squeeze though the tight space in the fence he quickly followed letting the broad slam back into place with a loud thump.

“Shhh.” Meredith Said looking back at him.


As they walked along the side of the cathedral Rya dragged her fingers along the groves between the old stones. Feeling the bumps in the stone helped take her mind off her fears and allowed her to breathe a sigh of relief.

A strong gust of cold wind filled the tiny space between the fence and the stone wall as they came to the back of the cathedral which over looked the cliffs. Rya could hear the roaring of waves as they crashed on the rock a hundred feet below. As they got closer Heimdall noticed a speck light in the distance. At first it was one then to and quickly grew to twenty. It was clear that more Setion ships arrived only to be stalled for the night for fear of crashing on the rocks.

“What are we doing here?” Rya asked.

“You’ll see.” Meredith, said with a smirk.

Taking a curved control pad from inside his jacket Meredith, pressed on the screen causing the device to put on a light blue glow as it came on. Pressing a series of buttons on the touch screen the device let out a chirp as it accepted the command. Directly in front of them the leaper they had arrived in began to appear. Rya could not believe her eyes or the fact that she hadn’t pieced together that these men who were so willing to risk their lives for her where from Avalon. Watching in amazement Rya found herself deeply disappointed as the ship faded from sight.

“What’s wrong?” Heimdall asked.

“I’m not sure.”

Pressing the series of buttons once again the blue glow of the control pad turned a dark red. Meredith looked up from the screen his eyes wide with fear.

“We need to go!”

“What’s wrong?” Heimdall asked

“No time!” Meredith yelling grabbing hand and making a run for the board in the where they came in. Behind them the Leaper began to appear and disappear.

A load humming filled the air as it start to fade faster each time it started to appear. Huge surges of bright green electricity shot from the Leaper shattering the stain glass windows and blowing stone free from the four hundred year old cathedral. Running though the fence Meredith, Heimdall & Rya made it into the street as the Leaper exploded the force of the blast tossing Meredith, Heimdall & Rya to the other side of the street. Meredith looked up from where he landed to see a bright green mushroom cloud raise above the bell tower. The back wall began to crumble into a fine dust beds used for the homeless were broke apart the bed sheets bursting into flames as the force of the blast tossed them across the room. Roofing tiles tore from the roof flew through the air. Some flying out of sight others stopped by the bell tower.

The ground where the leaper had sat began to crack in all directions. Large pieces of stone fell free into the waters below. With the ground beneath the cathedral rapidly disappearing beams began to twist and break. Floor boards snapped. The bell tower began to twisted & then disappeared from sight. The loud chime of the bell still could be heard as it fell on to the rock below.

With almost no ground left beneath it, the remainder of the cathedral gave way and fell. All that remained was the wood fence with the loose board.

copyright Chris Evans 2009